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A new chapter in hockey begins for Jeremy & Gavin

From starting as mites playing club hockey with the Sabres, moving to the Bruins, and eventually landing at the Admirals the time has gone by fast. Over the years we have made some amazing friends, been on many teams, and had many different coaches. Every coach is different but there are a few that stand out above the rest.

With both boys being high school level now we have been thinking about moving away from club hockey. The high school team we align to is the Dupage Stars. Our concerns around moving there in the past has been their history of not being competitive. This year the Dupage Stars hired Nick Oostman and Mike Dwyer, two of the stand out coaches the boys really enjoyed playing for in the past. . With that incentive we have decided to join the Dupage Stars. We are confident the boys will have a great time playing for Mike & Nick and have a competitive team.

As parents we are really happy the boys chose this path. Jeremy and Gavin being two years apart have always moved up together. They have never been able to be on the same team. They will finally get to play together which is very exciting! The sibling competition is going to be fun to watch. Not to mention one set of tournaments and not having to be in two different states on the same weekend.

We look forward to making new friends and having a great hockey season.

Go Stars!

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